A Man of Steel
For the third issue of Academy for Men I was given the brief of 'Australia.' BBQs and beaches had already been taken, so Rhys Ripper (ACM editor) and I worked on an idea based around the building of the harbor bridge in Sydney, and the men who built it.
The wonderful stylist Sibil Alpsal came on board with some wonderful pieces. Her interiors know how coming into play, sourcing some delicious props such as the thick tarnished rope, the worn-out satchels and the beautiful lamp bulbs on page 108 (with the star of the day Bob Ellis.
Sean, one of our models did an incredible job not just modeling, but as groomer. A multi-tasking model.
We focused on over sized, utilitarian clothes, casting fresh faced models from Pricillas, as after researching most of the men who built the bridge were mere boys. Boys with mens' bodies after years of intensive manual labor.
'A Man of Steel'
Photography: Cybele Malinowski
Assistant: Justin Malinowski
Stylist: Sibil Alpsal
Grooming: Sean @ Priscillas (thanks Sean!)
Models: Sean, Danny Pratt and Tyson @ Priscillas
Here are links to the shoots in the past two issues of Academy for Men.
Issue One: Optical Illusions
Issue Two: Innocence Lost

The wonderful stylist Sibil Alpsal came on board with some wonderful pieces. Her interiors know how coming into play, sourcing some delicious props such as the thick tarnished rope, the worn-out satchels and the beautiful lamp bulbs on page 108 (with the star of the day Bob Ellis.
Sean, one of our models did an incredible job not just modeling, but as groomer. A multi-tasking model.
We focused on over sized, utilitarian clothes, casting fresh faced models from Pricillas, as after researching most of the men who built the bridge were mere boys. Boys with mens' bodies after years of intensive manual labor.
'A Man of Steel'
Photography: Cybele Malinowski
Assistant: Justin Malinowski
Stylist: Sibil Alpsal
Grooming: Sean @ Priscillas (thanks Sean!)
Models: Sean, Danny Pratt and Tyson @ Priscillas
Here are links to the shoots in the past two issues of Academy for Men.
Issue One: Optical Illusions
Issue Two: Innocence Lost

this is such a unique and wonderful editorial. definitely stood out when I first saw the new issue. Great work!
This series is so spot on. Great work Cybele. Inspirational!
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