Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Of Montreal

Here are some photos of a truly fantastic band from US called Of Montreal. I first heard their song Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games in the car on our magical mystical tour to Byron Bay over summer. We (I, much to the frustration of my hostage passengers) must have played the song more times than I have ever heard Thriller or Vogue. Somewhat of an obsession.

So, when they announced their tour in Australia, I got my pals at Drum to hit me up with a photo-pass. Here are the shots from their highly theatrical show at the Manning Bar in March. Sadly, they did not play Wraith, so I went home, put my camera down, pressed play, closed my eyes and danced around the house like nothing mattered in the world.

Of Montreal, Sydney 2009

Of Montreal, Sydney 2009

Of Montreal, Sydney 2009

Of Montreal, Sydney 2009
I swear my beautician has these exact same slippers.
Of Montreal, Sydney 2009
And fur stole

Of Montreal, Sydney 2009

Of Montreal, Sydney 2009

This girl was incredible. Rigor mortis crow perched on her sailor hat, her silhouette dancing to the obscurity that is Of Montreal. A very artistic crowd indeed.

Crowd Shot @ Of Montreal


Blogger editrrix said...

These are among the most beautiful images of Kevin Barnes that I have ever seen. Lovely lighting. Gorgeous. You should send them to the band; I'm sure they would be so pleased.

8 July 2009 at 22:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I adore that band. Fantastic shots :)

9 July 2009 at 02:34  
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14 July 2016 at 18:31  

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