Monday, 7 January 2008


I re-found these images from perhaps one of the funnest shoots I took last year.

damn arms

damn arms

The boys from Damn Arms Damn Arms were up in Sydney from their hometown Melbourne on tour. We took a tour to Bourke St, got them all kitted up in fencing attire (thanks USYD fencing society) and let them at it outside of the quaint little shop 'ici et la.'

When we first pulled up, a cop car slowed down and asked us

a) what we were doing

b) if the boys intended on using their swords.

Good to see the boys in blue are keeping an eye on our town.

damn arms

damn arms

building fences

After we stopped traffic on Bourke St I brought the boys back to the studio for some stark white shots, against the cyclorama.

damn arms

damn arms

I also took some last minute shots of them in their casual attire,for variety.



unfortunately this photo wasn't used in the magazine due to political reasons involving one of the musicians photographed.

It was quite upsetting, as this was but far my favored image for the double page spread used in the opening of the feature

red riders

red riders

Here are a few of the pics that didn't make the cut.
