Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Big Day Out 2010 (part ii)

And so we continue the epic saga that is Big Day Out #100.

The dapper young fellas who are the Horrors, impeccably clad in St Augustine Academy threads played a flawlessly effortless set. I did a shoot with the mastermind behind St Augustine last year for Academy for Men, you can check it out here.

The Horrors

The Horrors @ Big Day Out, Sydney 2010

The Horrors @ Big Day Out, Sydney 2010

And then the rain came. I would have liked to have been shooting Dizzy Rascal at this moment, but, what with $15000 worth of gear on me, I was stuck under shelter, photographing the wet punters.

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Kasabian brought all the kids to the mosh pit, with less head banging, more screaming and swooning.


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Mars Volta were on fire. You can tell these boys have had many years practice.
The Mars Volta

The Mars Volta

Powderfinger were up next. I shot their press shots a couple of months ago, you can check them out here. (I got a wave from a couple of the boys onstage; it made my day).



Muse were as epic as one would expect, if I closed my eyes, it was like playing Guitar Hero really really loudly. Damn fine musicians.

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And lastly, Peaches. My Gosh Peaches, you are truly amazing. You are all good things Berliner, with a New York accent. You were the perfect way to end the 100th Big Day Out. You never cease to amaze.

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And here are some other random pics, just in case I haven't uploaded enough already.

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