Sarah Blasko for Jmag Cover

Client Jmag
Photography Cybele Malinowski
Assisting/Retouching Justin Malinowski
Hair and Make-up Felicia Yong
A funny little anecdote to the shots-
Jenny Valentish, editor of Jmag, sourced these birds from a taxidermist and couriered them up to Sydney for the shoot. She funded these herself, and was planning on placing her prized avarian (lame Family Guy joke) possessions on her mantle.
So, the shoot went swimmingly, we had a great time, I raced off to another shoot, came back 4 hours later to a scene of despair. As I opened the studio door a bright yellow feather flitted to the floor. A trail of feathers and Styrofoam (the taxidermist replaced the body with a Styrofoam double) lead to a neat puddle of cat vomit consisting of what was once the birds Sarah held so delicately in her hands. Pushkin, the hunter that she is had sniffed out the neatly packed birds and ripped them to shreds. She has not attempted to hunt since.